Thursday, February 9, 2012


A few years back, Emmery came into my life. I still remember that it was a Tuesday, the first day of 6th grade. I didn't quite understand that each subject would be taught by a different teacher and that I had to go to a different classroom when the bell would ring. As a result, I walked into my English Literature class about 7 minutes late, and everyone stared at me when I opened the door. I could have done without the sarcastic remark from my teacher. Blushing, I sat down in the closest seat that I could find. As I glanced around the room, I noticed a girl sitting across the room from me with big, blue eyes and wavy, ash-blonde hair. Our eyes met for just a moment, and I quickly glanced back at the teacher, who was going off about cell-phones and who-knows-what-else about our class rules.

A few weeks later, we had an assignment in that same English class to write a composition of our choice. We would then have an opportunity to present in front of the class. I had never written much, and I didn't know exactly what I should write about, so I chose to put down on paper the conversation that I had with my father about light. I wrote about life, about our existence on this planet and how we can continue to influence others even after we die through the light that we exude. When it was my turn to present, I stared down at the paper that I wrote with unwavering intensity as I read, avoiding eye contact with one and all. Upon finishing, my teacher praised the composition that I had created and the depth at which I saw the world. She seemed surprised at the topic I had chosen for this first paper. My peers, however, were not so complimentary.

I sat down to lunch by myself that day, which had become my habit since the beginning of middle school. I didn't feel comfortable talking to the other kids my age; I would much rather have spent my time eating in the teachers' lounge. A kid from my English class came up to me with a few others whom I did not recognize, grinning mischievously. "This is him," said the boy from my class. He looked at me and contorted his face, saying, "Hey sunshine, how are you gonna live forever if you don't give anyone your light?" The boy's friends chuckled behind him. "Why don't you give me some of your light?" The boy stepped forward, closed his eyes and reached out his hands as if waiting to receive something from me. He opened an eye open just a crack and impatiently said, "I'm waiting!"

"Give Carter some of your light!" a few of the cronies chimed in. So, Carter was the name of my new tormentor...

What was I supposed to do? I tried to ignore the group of boys, but that just seemed to aggravate them more. Heads started to turn towards us, expecting a fight to break out, hoping to see a good show. At last Carter grabbed my shoulder. I cringed and expected to feel a blow, but nothing happened. Surprised, I looked up and saw the blue-eyed girl walking toward the table. "Leave him alone!" she said fiercely. "Joey's presentation was way better than anything you could pull off!" She knew my name.

Carter let go of my shoulder and turned towards the girl. He looked back at me and said, "You two are perfect together. You can both start a little sunshine club and paint rainbows all day!" Carter and his friends laughed and, to my great relief, walked away. Blood rushed to my face as the girl who came to my rescue sat down next to me.

"Those guys are jerks," she said. I let out a little laugh in agreement. We finished our lunches together. It was great to have someone to eat with, even if it was in silence.

Since that day, I've noticed that Emmery is just as timid as I am, and it still puzzles me that she had the courage to stand up for me like she did. What about me stood out to her? How is it that our futures would inevitably become intertwined as they are now?

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